Modifications to the 2003 Specifier's Guide

Geotechnical Fabrics Report Technical Advisory Boad met to discuss modifications to the 2003 Specifier's Guide. Emphasis was placed on the Erosion Control and Geonet tables. It was suggested that all submitted data be technically reviewed for correctness and consistency with other submitted data. It was also suggested that actual values rather than "greater than" values be requested and published.

Industry News Updates

Just some news updates in the Industry: Staff Industries, one of the first companies involved with geomembranes, has sold its facilities to developers and will cease geomembrane business. HPG International has declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy due primarily to a major reduction in sales to the electronics industry. BP/Amoco has decided not to sell the Fabrics and Fibers group.

GMA Geomembrane Task Group Meeting Results

GMA Geomembrane Task Group held its third meeting, the following companies being represented - GSE, Cooley, Colas, Serrot, I-CORP. GMA is in contact with EPA to clarify the needs for geosynthetics in waste containment at animal farms (chicken/cattle/pigs). GMA will review geosynthetic user industry conferences (erg AWWA) at which they can exhibit and promote GMA members, thus reducing the costs for members. The water industry has been identified as the next major user of geomembranes. It is likely that large volume consumers such as the waste industry will now have to be replaced by many smaller volume applications. GMA will stay in contact with state regulators to identify potential shifts in regulations that may influence the geomembrane market. It was suggested that local regulators be invited to participate in the various GMA geomembrane group meetings. The influence of the trend to bioreactors on the geomembrane and other geosynthetics markets was discussed. A modified version of the market survey form was presented to better reflect the markets for the different geomembrane materials. Some attempt to evaluate future markets will be initiated. Such market information is available only to those who provide input.

Announcing New Society of Plastics Engineers Website

Announcing New Society of Plastics Engineers requests the pleasure of your company to visit our newly redesigned website at The website has been completely refurbished. Learn more here.;

PGI Tech Notes – 11/15/01

PGI Tech Notes November 15, 2001- This Tech notes files is designed to keep you informed of the ongoing technical work done by the PGI

PolyOne Closing Three More Plants

PolyOne closing 3 more plants- PVC compounding plants in Burlington and Farmingdale, NJ, and a polyethylene compounding plant in Valleyfield, Quebec, will close by the end of 2002, eliminating about 300 jobs. PVC compounding also will be stopped in St. Remi de Napierville, Quebec, although powder compound and plasticizer production will continue at that site. PolyOne's engineering films business in Burlington will not be affected by the closing of the PVC compounding plant there. Laboratory operation at Burlington and Farmingdale also will close. PolyOne expects about 25 lab employees to transfer to Avon Lake, where the company will expand its existing lab facilities.

Tenax expands facility

Tenax expands facility- Texax Corp. has doubled its sole manufacturing plant with a plan to add new machinery by the end of Dec. The firm has added three extruders to its existing five, boosting annual extrusion capacity to 20 million pounds. It will invest nearly $2.7 million in machinery. Its 60,000 sq. ft. building grew to 150,000 sq. ft. with a $2.2 million investment. They will hire 20 people brining its work force to 100. Tenax is tapping the retail and consumer market with critter-control netting, which it plans to sell through do-it-yourself stores.

BP cuts PP line in Texas, jobs in Scotland

BP cuts PP line in Texas, jobs in Scotland - British Petroleum chose to shut down 450 million pounds of Polypropylene capacity 11/8/01 at its Chocolate Bayou plant in Alvin, TX. Also BP is cutting about 320 million pounds of polyethylene capacity at its petrochemical complex in Grangemouth, Scotland. The firm also gained 850 million pounds of capacity in Deer Park, TX, on 11/1/01 when it closed a deal in which BP obtained Solvay SA's PP business in exchange for BP's engineering resins units.

Fluoro-Seal acquires Nampac technology

Fluoro-Seal acquires Nampac technology - Fluoro-Seal of Houston will handle the fluorine treating of high density polyethylene containers for North America Packaging Corp. of Raleigh under an alliance announced Nov. 26. Fluoro-Seal acquired Nampac's Polyfluor technology and fluorine treatment facility in St. Joseph, MO. Fluoro-Seal will relocate treatment work now occurring at Nampac plants in Toccoa, Ga. and Indianapolis. Nampac customers gain global access to fluorine treatment options at 22 Fluoro-Seal sites.

Polk County Landfill Tests Cover System

Polk County landfill tests cover system that could boost performance and cut costs - Polk County North Central Landfill (FL) has just completed 16.5 acres of exposed green 60 mil textured HDPE geomembrane cap. Steve Laux at Jones, Edmunds & Associates was the project manager. The geomembrane was fastened down in anchor trenches about 60 ft apart to resist uplift from winds up to 80 mph. To prevent the pull of material under contraction stresses to one end of the cap, every other panel was anchored along both edges and the panels between were welded on each edge to the panels previously installed, as shown in the figure. Use of an exposed geomembrane reduced installation costs from $144,000 per acre to about $65,000 per acre - a significant saving.