Cooley Career Opportunities

Cooley Group - Where Chemistry Makes the Difference -For career opportunities within the Cooley Group

ASTM will have new name

ASTM will have new name- To more accurately reflect their long-standing role as a developer of international standards, beginning in 2002, ASTM will have a new name - ASTM International. Remember you can choose from over 11,000 ASTM Standards and individual standards can be downloaded as you need them. Average cost is $30.00. Learn more here.;

Rapra report looks at PE, PP use vs. PVC

Rapra report looks at PE, PP use vs. PVC - Rapra Technology Ltd. has a new report revealing technological progress, material advances and growing markets are contributing to the region's plastic pipe industry. The report looks at the growing use of polyethylene and polypropylene instead of PVC in pipe production and how innovative installation techniques, such as trenchless technologies, are leading to new applications. To receive "The European Plastic Pipes Market" - +44 (193) 925-0383 (vox) or email:

GIGSA November Newsletter

GIGSA November Newsletter - To open this newsletter, you will need Winzip to decompress the file and Adobe Acrobat reader to see the newsletter. If you don't have these freeware programs, they can be downloaded off the Internet at

Stevens Geomembranes develops a new CD

Stevens Geomembranes has developed a new CD-ROM Technical "Binder" which will be ready for distribution in the next few weeks. For more information call 1-800-861-2281 ext. 1003.

SAGEOS is Hiring

SAGEOS of Quebec, CA is looking for a Civil Engineer in charge of research and development. Must be fluent in english and french.

GIGSA News Flash

GIGSA News Flash South Africa is having a very serious erosion control problem. If you would like to consider joining the South African Chapter of IECA or have any imput into solving the problem, this is a very useful association to belong to. For more information visist or

GMA Geomembrane Focus Group

GMA Geomembrane Focus Group meeting will be held in conjunction with the GRI conference. The meeting will take place on 12/12/01 from 8:00am to 2:00pm at the Hotel Sofitel in Houston, TX

Update on CEN/TC 189 activities

Update on CEN/TC 189 activities -short report on the last TC 189 meeting in Lisbon (26 October 2001)

New Test Method for Tensile Tesing

New Test Method for Tensile Testing - Just wanted to let everyone know that the new test method for tensile testing of non reinforced geomembranes will be available through the ASTM website in the next 2-3 weeks. This new test method is ASTM D6693-01 Learn more here.;