Agru America Geosynthetics

Paul Barker, Agru
Paul Barker (back, just left of center in dark jacket) was toasted by industry during the Geosynthetics 2013 conference for his 50 years of work–a career that emerged and grew with the geosynthetics discipline.

When Paul Barker and his wife Diana abruptly married and moved to Africa so he could begin his career in what became the field of geosynthetics, he had expected it to be a short contract. Two years, perhaps five. Now, 50 years later, he’s still involved.
Barker was recognized for this extraordinary anniversary during Geosynthetics 2013 (Long Beach, California, April 1-4). The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) presented him with an award and in the exhibit hall he was recognized with a champagne toast at the Agru America booth. With his wife and one of his sons on hand, Barker joked that he might start a 50 Years Club for the field…though the membership would be lonely.
He mentioned that he might consider adding a junior membership level of 40 years of service so that other field luminaries such as JP Giroud (who coined the terms “geotextile” and “geomembrane” in 1977 and who is standing near Barker in the photo here) might join.
Geosynthetica congratulates Paul Barker on this milestone.
He has been a partner, proponent and witness to some of the most significant work in the industry, particularly in regards to geomembranes; and he remains one of the field’s true gentlemen.
Paul Barker - Agru America
Gathering in the exhibit hall to toast Paul Barker. Little known fact: Paul’s son Matt, seen here in the front center (light-colored suit) was a North Houston middle-school classmate of Geosynthetica’s Director Elizabeth Peggs.

It was a pleasure to be on hand as the industry recognized his work and to talk to him about those early days in the field.
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