Ian D. PeggsGeofabrics Australasia has confirmed dates and speakers for the multi-city geosynthetic liner seminar series it is sponsoring across Australia in January and February 2014. Dr. Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng, of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL has been announced as the key speaker. Dr. Peggs is an international expert on liner testing, failure analysis and geosynthetic materials R&D; and he has been a leading practitioner in the field for more than 30 years.
He will be joined by technical expert Dr. Richard Austin (Geofabrics) and, depending on the city, CQA and testing guest speakers Warren Hornsey (TRI Australasia) or Dr. John Scheirs (ExcelPlas Polymer Testing Services).
Registration is free, but RSVP is required to ensure appropriate seating and catering.
Key topics of this day-long professional development opportunity include:

  • Liner failures and lessons learned (including Australian examples)
  • An R&D update from the Geosynthetic Centre of Excellence on “Interface properties and liner protection”
  • Liner integrity and leak location surveys
  • R&D update on GCL performance and manufacturing quality assurance
  • Design considerations for landfills, coal seam gas, tailings dams and wastewater
  • Construction quality assurance


  • Geofabrics AustralasiaMelbourne
    January 29
    Novotel St. Kilda
    RSVP by January 24
  • Adelaide
    January 31

    Hackney Hotel
    RSVP by January 29
  • Perth
    February 3

    Novotel Perth
    RSVP by January 30
  • Syndney
    February 5

    Engineers Australia
    RSVP by January 31
  • Brisbane
    February 7

    Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
    RSVP by February 4

Register online: