The Latin American infrastructure market is as diverse as the region’s people and terrain. In this first episode of the third season of GeoTalk recordings, new co-host Tamara Tuttle (Atlas International Consulting) has joined the team. She brings a wealth of experience and field intelligence with engineering and infrastructure and she’s fluent in multiple languages. You’ll find her interviews in the audio podcast (e.g., on Spotify) and video interviews on Geosynthetica’s YouTube Channel. Listen also to the audio episode edit below.

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Francisco Pizarro (AGRU Chile) shares his insight into the challenges and opportunities from the Mexico/US border to the tip of Chile. He and Tamara Tuttle identify how geosynthetic companies enter into and expand new markets, how different countries support development (such as oil and gas, mining, transportation, and the use of public-private partnerships), and how geosynthetics serve some of the major needs: project economy, efficiency, and sustainability.

Francisco also shares what it’s like to doing business in Peru with a famous name.

KEY RESOURCE from the conversation:
Technical Documents of the National Roads Institute (El Instituto Nacional de Vías — INVIAS), Colombia (Spanish)