Precision Geosynthetics5 May 2010 – Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories International (PGLI) has added new services to their Thermal Analysis Capabilities. A new department has been added for Differential Scanning Calorimetry that will be full service DSC. In addition to the normal DSC methods Modulated and High Pressure DSC have been added.

Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a thermoanalatycal technique that measure a difference of heat flow observed between a sample and a reference as a function of temperature. The main advantage of DSC is studying the transition of the material such as melting, crystallization or glass transition temperature.

The Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry is an improvement of the standard DSC. This technique uses a time-modulated temperature. The principle remains the same as regular DSC, but the time modulated temperature allows to go through transition with more sensitivity and resolution. Additionally it is possible to separate temperature dependant events (reversing heat flow) from time dependant events (non-reversing heat flow).

The High-Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry is based on the same principle as standard DSC. However the experiments can be carried out at any pressure up to 1000psi (7MPa). The main advantage of High-Pressure DSC is to simulate a pressurized environment as we know that numerous physical processes and chemical reactions are influenced by atmospheric pressure.

See their web site for a complete list of test capabilities,

For additional information please contact Ronald Belanger, President of PGLI, directly at


Kristen Hinman