Calling all designers, consultants, manufacturers, distributors and installers! The editors of GFR Engineering Solutions invite project synopses from the readership to showcase in the October/November 2005 issue. As many companies are currently in a very busy work period, the magazine staff can provide the writing. However, the editors need contacts for brief interviews and image acquisition (e.g., site photographs, design drawings). If firms have time and prefer to do the initial writing themselves, the magazine welcomes 500 to 1000 word submissions with accompanying image support.
Deadline: August 18.
Information the magazine seeks: Project type and location, materials used, size of installation, key partners, advantages to/benefits of the design, relevant installation details, and any additional items of note. For example, a project may be part of a long-term redevelopment strategy for the county; or the project is the first of its kind in the region; etc.
Contact Chris Kelsey, editor, at +1 651 225 6988, e-mail