The International Geosynthetics Society supports its young members through special symposia at major events, a committee to liaise with chapters and the IGS Council, and now through the first IGS Young Members Committee Photo Contest. The contest launched in May, and with finalists selected it now has opened a public vote to select a winner.
Share this opportunity with your engineering colleagues and help the committee select a winner. VOTE NOW!

Public Vote Open for IGS Young Members Committee Photo Contest
One of the finalists for the IGS Young Members Committee Photo Contest. Following the public vote, top selections will be revealed at the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics (Seoul, 16 – 21 September 2018).


In recent years, engineering societies and conferences have wisely put greater emphasis on younger participants in their fields. Geotechnical engineering experienced a substantial growth in materials innovation (e.g., geosynthetics) and project scopes over the past 50 years, and much of that growth was based on the work of engineers now retired or near retirement or who have moved into different development roles.
Photo contests have grown in popularity with greater utilization of digital media in outreach and promotion by these groups. For the IGS Young Members Committee, a public vote is an innovative approach to the trend.
The IGS has grown globally for many years, and much of that has come through elevating awareness. What better way to expand that movement than to take the photo contest outside of just the society and introduce it more widely than with a public vote?
One of the outcomes of the photo contest will be the utilization of these entries to help promote geosynthetics. The IGS Young Members Committee is getting a jump on that endeavor with the open call to participate in the vote.
The best photograph will be awarded at the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul.
The committee asks that voters consider:

  • Is the use of geosynthetic materials/technologies clear?
  • Originality of image
  • Image quality
  • Wow factor

Voting closes August 31.


For questions about the IGS Young Members Photo Contest please contact
To learn more about IGS Young Members Committee, visit