IECA Environmental Connection 2015

IECA - Environmental Connection 2015 (EC2015)The International Erosion Control Association (IECA Region One) is currently accepting abstract submissions for educational courses and technical sessions (case studies, technical papers, workshops, forums, or posters) at Environmental Connection 2015 in Portland, Oregon.
Presenting at Environmental Connection gives you the ability to share insights and content with your peers, enhance your professional development, learn from your colleagues and gain recognition for your advancements in the field. In addition to expanding your knowledge and developing new professional skills, you will be joining a distinguished group of respected erosion control professionals. The deadline to submit your abstract presentation is 30 May 2014. Presenters are required to send a biography, marketing paragraph, and presenter photo. Submit your topic.


  • Contractors/Consultants: Demonstrate effective approaches of installation, equipment, innovations and business management.
  • Designers/Engineers: Describe new approaches to design challenges, present case studies on difficult projects or explain the latest design tools.
  • Researchers/Academia: Present the results of your research and discoveries in creative and effective ways to manage erosion and enhance water quality
  • Government Personnel: Provide information on regulatory policy or demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of your programs.
  • Manufacturers/Suppliers: Present the data that advances new technology, explores new concepts and challenges traditional approaches.
  • MS4/Program Managers: Present content on proven and innovative approaches to managing your local and regional water quality programs.


National Hot Topics

  • Establishing vegetation in nutrient-sensitive watersheds
  • Vegetation selection for streambank stabilization or wetland restoration
  • Sampling and analysis requirements and procedures
  • Natural Soil Enhancement for establishment of vegetative cover
  • Transition from vegetation to hardscape for utilities, bridges, and waterways
  • RAPPS for Oil & Gas construction activities
  • Channel Lining BMP installations-vegetative to hard armor
  • Low tech BMP’s for storm water management
  • Subsurface investigations for E & SC purposes
  • Determining effectiveness of BMPs Using RUSLE2

National Hot Topics

  • LID mandate to municipalities and determining what is “feasible”
  • Fish consumption rates and water quality standards causing presumptive approach of NPDES permit benchmarks
  • Aerial deposition
  • Water quality sediment standards in Oregon
  • Construction management on redevelopment and contaminated sites
For more information, please contact IECA’s education department at 303-640-7554 or at