GSE announced today that Rod Kirch has been promoted to the newly created position of Manager for Upstream Energy Sales. Rod will be responsible for the sale and marketing of GSE geosynthetic products into the energy exploration and transportation applications, specifically targeting the non-conventional energy and shale gas plays in the U.S. Geosynthetic opportunities in refining, long-term storage, mid and downstream applications will remain the responsibility of GSE’s Regional Sales Managers.

The shale gas business presents unique opportunities to GSE geosynthetic product lines (geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geocomposites, geonets and nonwoven geotextiles) and these opportunities demand local expertise that understands this business to meet the ever changing and evolving needs of our extensive oil and gas customer base.

In his new role, Rod will be responsible for exploring new applications, developing new opportunities and managing GSE’s overall sales efforts within conventional and non-conventional energy exploration business in the U.S. Rod will report to Ryan Blanchard, Director of North America Sales.

With 30+ years of combined experience in the environmental and geosynthetic markets, Rod is uniquely qualified to provide highly functional, cost-effective lining solutions to the energy industry. GSE geosynthetics products are currently being deployed into a multitude of secondary containment applications and as well as pad liners, mud pit liners, fresh water pond liners and flow-back water pond liners.

Most recently Rod served as Regional Sales Manager for the Northeast Region. Rod has a B.S. degree from Florida Institute of Technology.

We welcome Rod in his new role. He can be reached by email at or on his mobile at +1 281 723 2036 to address all your shale gas questions.

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