Ian D. Peggs of I-Corp International starting his presentation on wastewater ponds.
Fabricated Geomembrane Institute

17 May 2010 – The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI) held its second short course in Orlando, Florida at the Royal Plaza Hotel on the Walt Disney World Resort. The short course was organized by the University of Florida TREEO Center (www.treeo.ufl.edu) and attended by 41 people. The excellent presentations and discussions made the course a great success. The course covered the design, specification, testing, manufacturing, fabrication, installation, inspection, welding, and field testing of fabricated geomembranes in a variety of applications. The topics and speakers in the short course and some photos from the short course are shown below:

  • Regulatory Update — Richard Tedder, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • FGI Introduction and Research — Tim Stark, University of Illinois
  • Fabricated v. Field Assembled Geomembranes — Stan Slifer, Watersaver
  • Geomembrane Manufacturing — Gary Kolbasuk, Raven Industries
  • Fabrication & Installation — Rodney Carriker, Lange Containment; Greg Scales, Colorado Lining
  • Leak Location Surveys — Daren Laine, Leak Location Services
  • Geomembrane Welding and Testing — Greg Yaple, Plastic Welding Technologies
  • Floating Covers and Potable Water — Andrew Mills, Layfield Group; Bryant Jefferson, Colorado Lining
  • Canals, Reservoirs and Irrigation Ponds — Bryant Jefferson, Colorado Lining
    Bryant Jefferson of Colorado Lining International starting his presentation on the floating cover system for Highline Reservoir in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
    Fabricated Geomembrane Institute
  • Wastewater Ponds — Ian D. Peggs, I-CORP International
  • Secondary Containment — Rodney Carriker, Lange Containment
  • Case Histories — Terry Sheridan, GeoStorage Corp.; Stan Slifer, Watersaver; Rodney Carriker, Lange Containment; Chris Eichelberger, American Environmental; Bryant Jefferson, Colorado Lining Inc.
  • Summary and Fabricated Geomembranes for Gulf Coast Cleanup — Tim Stark, University of Illinois

The FGI is dedicated to advancing the use of fabricated geomembranes through education, research, and technology transfer. The FGI is a consortium of manufacturers, fabricators/installers, designers, regulators, and material suppliers of fabricated geomembranes.

For more information on the FGI, please visit www.fabricatedgeomembrane.com.


Timothy D. Stark
e-mail: tstark@illinois.edu
telephone: +1 217 333 3929
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, MC-250
205 North Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-2352