Michael Perez, IECAThe International Erosion Control Association Region One (IECA) has named the winner of its Most Distinguished Technical Paper Award for Environmental Connection 2016: Michael Perez, a graduate student at Auburn University. His paper, “Large-Scale Performance Enhancement Study of Sediment Basin Technology,” will be presented at the conference.
Environmental Connection 2016 will be held 16 – 19 February 2016 in San Antonio, Texas.
Perez is currently working towards his Ph.D. in civil engineering. The focus of his primary research has been investigating and improving inlet protection and sediment basin practices for the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT). Perez has utilized large-scale testing techniques and unmanned aerial systems in his research.
“I’m truly honored to be recognized by IECA for our research work,” said Perez in the IECA release. “I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the co-authors: Dr. Wesley Zech, Dr. Xing Fang, and Dr. Jose Vasconcelos, to our research sponsor ALDOT, and to the team of students and technicians that have dedicated significant effort and time to this project. I would also like to thank the IECA University Partners Program for their continued support in providing me the opportunity to participate in the Environmental Connection Conferences.”
Perez has conducted his work at Auburn University’s Erosion and Sediment Control Facility.
For more information on IECA’s awards programs, visit www.ieca.org/awards.