26 July 2011 – A long term solution to longstanding erosion problems at Noosa Spit is about to carried out by Sunshine Coast Council.

During the 20-week project a revetment wall will be put in place at the upstream end of Noosa Spit, along with an upstream training wall and a submerged channel closure. These artificial structures will be made using sand-filled geotextile mega-containers.

Division 11 Councillor Russell Green said the $1.6 million works aimed to alleviate serious erosion of Noosa Spit and the Noosa River estuary and re-establish the beach area known as “Dog Beach”.

“For many years the main channel of the Noosa River has frequently been tending to migrate South, putting erosion pressure on the river foreshore of Noosa Spit,” he said.

“If this is allowed to continue, the erosion of the peninsula will eventually expose Noosa Sound properties to currents and wave action.

“A section of this peninsula known as “Dog Beach” is a very popular swimming and recreational area for locals and tourists and it is also experiencing severe shoreline erosion.

“Council engaged coastal engineering experts to model and design a long-term erosion solution and these measures have been developed in consultation with government departments and a reference group of local residents, ratepayer groups and community associations.

“A range of options were evaluated by council as far as the types of materials that could be used to stabilise the damaged shoreline areas and the professional advice we received recommended geotextile mega-containers as the best option for Noosa Spit.

“What these works will do is encourage the channel to flow in a slightly different direction which will relieve the erosion pressures on these areas that have been heavily damaged.”

Council conducted presentations and consultation forums on the proposed Noosa Spit erosion works for a number of community groups and organisations, including:

  • Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)
  • Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
  • Noosa Parks Association
  • Sunshine Coast Environment Council
  • Noosa Integrated Catchment Association
  • Noosa Biosphere Ltd
  • Noosa Biosphere Association Inc.
  • Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association
  • Department of Queensland Fisheries
  • Tourism Noosa
  • The Hastings Street Association
  • Noosa River Community and Industry Advisory Committee
  • Noosa Residents and Ratepayers Association

Noosa resident David Heckendorf said the erosion works were welcomed by the local community.

“This project will provide some real peace of mind to residents of Noosa Sound and as well as the great many locals who’ve watched in dismay as their popular recreation spot — “Dog Beach” — has slowly disappeared over the years due to erosion,” he said.

“I organised a petition that was signed by more than a thousand local residents appealing for council to fix the erosion problems at Noosa Spit and it’s fantastic that these works are now a reality.”

Cr Green said the Stage 1 works would be monitored for two years to determine if a second stage of erosion works were required.

“When it comes to mother nature there are no guarantees and while council is confident that the first stage of works will reap the desired result at Noosa Spit there is a possibility that further works will be needed in the future,” he said.

“We have prepared a second stage of works but will keep a close watch on the area after stage 1 is complete to see if anything further needs to be done.

“The use of sand-filled geotextile containers rather than rock walls gives flexibility to allow for modifications if they become necessary in the future.”

A number of walking tracks around “Dog Beach” will be closed to the public while stage 1 works are in progress. Advisory signs will be put in place prior to work commencing to advise the public on these closures.

A large area of the car park near the public toilets will also be closed for approximately three weeks while works are in progress, while a smaller section will be closed for the duration of the project.

Work will begin on 1 August.

Media enquiries: communication@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

All other enquiries: mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au