Solmax GeosyntheticsVarennes, Canada – On 8 December 1981, Solmax began its journey as a geomembrane installer. Since 1997, we have focused our efforts on becoming a respected manufacturer in our industry. Today, we are beginning our third adventure, as an innovative international manufacturer, capable of continuously meeting and surpassing industry specifications and requirements.

For 30 years, Solmax has been synonymous with environmentally conscious containment solutions. Grateful of our Canadian heritage, we are proud of our international growth and positioning.

On our 30th anniversary, we would like to take the opportunity to thank our employees, customers and partners for their tremendous support and loyalty. We could not have achieved our success and fulfill our mission without their collaborative efforts. We could not go without mentioning the friendships and business relations that have emerged in amongst our industry.

As we reflect on our achievements in the geomembrane industry, we must also look towards our impact in the future. We pride ourselves in the quality of the products we offer and look forward to launching new solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers in the industry.

We invite you to join us for the next 30 years of our journey!
