Solmax International, a Canadian manufacturer of polyethylene geomembranes and fabricator of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) geomembranes, is proud to announce its recent contract signing with a Chilean leader in the mining industry. The deal, which was announced publicly last week, has made the Solmax history books.

As a leading fabricator of PVC geomembranes, Solmax International will join together with the Chilean firm and accompany the business in a dramatic new phase of expansion.

The alliance between both enterprises is not unfounded. For more than 10 years, Solmax International has supplied almost all the necessary geomembranes for the mining company’s operations. Nevertheless, the signing of this contract has broken historic ground for Solmax International for the contracts scope (and not to overlook its symbol of confidence and appreciation in regards to our long business relationship).

From its Canada based warehouse, Solmax International will supply close to 7,000,000 m² of factory-assembled PVC panels by the end of the 2008. To offer a comparison: the complete body of the geomembranes sold could cover an area roughly equivalent to 3,825 Olympic skating rinks!

With standards to uphold, like the assembly and inspection of PVC panels in warehouse and that of personalized dimensions, Solmax International becomes a very tempting solution to the mining industry with regards to PVC. Recent projects have gained substantial economic benefits to this enterprise through the use PVC (as opposed to more traditional materials in this market).

Solmax invites you to communicate with its sales representatives for more information.

On the organizational level, the addition of this project to the company portfolio will maximizes the use of our production warehouse, therefore securing jobs for our employees. Solmax’s company directors are pleased to congratulate the work of its team and their many other accomplishments that contribute towards making Solmax International a world leader in geosynthetics.

For more information, contact Solmax International.