Strata India4 January 2011 – Strata Geosystems India Pvt Ltd has added StrataWeb™ to its range of soil reinforcement products. StrataWeb™ is a light-weight, expandable, three-dimensional honeycomb-like cellular confinement system, which acts as an erosion control barrier and also as a foundation reinforcement mat for improvement of bearing capacity of weak soils.

StrataWeb™ when in-filled with compacted soil creates a new composite entity that possesses enhanced mechanical and geotechnical properties. When the soil contained within a geocell is subjected to pressure, it results in high lateral stresses and resistance on the stiff cell walls, thereby decreasing the punching effect, increasing the bearing capacity and a reduced peak settlement. Hoop stress resistance generated by the cell walls increases the shear strength of the confined infill, thus creating a stiff mattress and distributing the load over a wider area. Active earth pressure generated in each individual cell is resisted by an equivalent passive earth pressure generated by the adjoining cells. StrataWeb being textured, it increases the vertical frictional resistance thereby reducing the stress reaching the lower strata.

StrataWeb™ reinforcement system reduces infill quantities by up to 50% while utilizing locally available inferior quality soil or recycled material as its infill, thereby reducing consumption of natural resources, reduction in carbon footprint, reducing project time, labour and costs. Further it allows fast, all weather installation, easy handling, zero wastage, zero maintenance, etc.

StrataWeb™ also provides ecological and aesthetic benefits for earth stabilization, by maintaining the greenery and promoting vegetation growth. It is extremely environment-friendly since it does not disintegrate or pollute surroundings. It allows for natural drainage thus preventing the build-up of hydrostatic pressures.


  • Load support for paved roads (National & State Highways), unpaved roads (access roads, service roads, haul roads), railways, etc.
  • Bearing capacity improvement for soft soils, like, container yards, parking areas, transmission towers, platforms, footpaths, casting yards, etc.
  • Slope protection, erosion control, channel linings, embankment protection, slope stabilization, etc.
  • Earth stabilization and retaining walls
  • Landfills and reservoirs

“StrataWeb™ adds the fourth dimension of time – longevity – to the conventional three dimensions of length, width and height. It provides a clear value proposition and with be an excellent addition to our existing product range,” said Mr. Narendra Dalmia.

About Strata Geosystems India Pvt. Ltd.

Strata Geosystems India Private Ltd ( established in 2004, is a joint venture with Strata Systems Inc, USA. Strata Geosystems manufactures geogrids and offers end-to-end geosynthetic solutions for soil reinforcement. Strata’s team of experienced and dedicated civil engineers, supervisors and technicians collaborates with the client from the bidding phase up–providing project design, guide specification, budgeting, techno-commercial proposals, on-site installation training and technical support.

Strata profile on Geosynthetica