Strata Systems - SustainabilityStrata is proud to be part of Glen Raven, a company that counts environmental stewardship among its six core values. Whether through recycling or reducing energy consumption, or modifying the materials utilized in its products, Glen Raven is committed to limiting its carbon footprint, and protecting the environment at every level.

Three of Glen Raven’s North American plants have been certified “landfill-free”, recycling or reusing everything from polyester and nylon fibers to packaging and waste products. Even food scraps from the company cafeterias feed local farm animals and wildlife. By the end of 2012, all six of the company’s North American plants will be landfill-free.

Strata’s products are used in several “green applications” which contributes to the environment. StrataWeb reduces the amount of aggregate needed beneath roadways, StrataSlope provides for vegetated reinforced steep slopes, and the design of Stratagrid as a method of steepening side slopes can reduce excavation and hauling requirements.

Stratagrid is also being used in vegetated rooftops for buildings and several erosion control products as high-strength substrates with other products.

"We consider quality as our core competency. Our leadership in environmentalism and our certifications work together to assure a systematic approach to quality."

– Chip Fuller, President of Strata

Strata has also achieved ISO certification and the European CE Mark, in both their U.S. and India manufacturing plants. These globally recognized quality control achievements help further define Strata’s mission to enhance the environment.

For a discussion about any of our green initiatives, please contact Strata at 800.680.7750 or visit