The recently launched StrataPro™ geotechnical software platform from Strata Systems, Inc. is a welcomed addition to the tools engineers can use to improve GRS design. Geosynthetically reinforced soil structures can improve the sustainability, economics, and safety of infrastructure, but they require significant care in planning and material selection. Programs such as StrataPro provide that support.
This engineering software platform gives designers the ability to analyze a variety of faced systems. The platform is available upon request through the Strata Systems website and, the company adds, “will help designers to determine the optimal GRS solutions for their respective clients.”
Image of StrataPro GRS Design Software Projects from Strata Systems
Strata Systems, Inc. is a global manufacturer and distributor of geosynthetic soil stabilization solutions.


StrataPro provides elevation and section views of GRS structures and allows designers to quickly and easily modify GRS design characteristics such as wall type, geometry, and reinforcement location. The tool produces results in real-time, ensuring accurate material quantity estimates for face area, infill, reinforcement, and drainage.
Furthermore, the software facilitates internal compound stability, static, and seismic analyses. Users can manually input data or import existing files from Microsoft Excel® and AWall®. The flexibility of the program enables it to be interoperable with ACAD®, as well as slope stability platforms ReSSA® and GSLOPE®.
Image of StrataPro GRS Design Software Projects from Strata Systems
The software integrates important industry design methodologies such as NCMA (Third Edition), AASHTO 2010 and 2015, BS8006-10, as well as FHWA-NHI 10-024 and 10-025.
“StrataPro is just the latest example of Strata’s commitment to developing innovative solutions that will advance the entire geosynthetics ecosystem,” says Craig Bell, GM of Strata Systems, Inc. (North America) in a statement on the software’s release. “We are proud of this technology and the value it will bring to our partners in the design community.”
Learn more about StrataPro at:
For additional information on Strata Systems, its engineering services, and geosynthetics, visit