27 January 2011 – As a result of a price increase from the, Saint-Gobain Technical Fabrics, primarily due to their escalating raw materials costs, Tensar International will be increasing the price of GlasPave® paving fabric products by 5% effective 7 February 2011. This price increase will not affect the current pricing for GlasGrid® series of products.

About Tensar International

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Tensar International is a full-service provider of specialty products and engineering services that offer innovative and cost-effective alternatives to traditional construction methods. Tensar solutions are based on advanced soil reinforcement technologies and incorporate proprietary, engineered applications for commercial, industrial, municipal, residential and transportation infrastructure site development. The company specializes in solutions for common site development challenges including grade changes requiring retaining walls and poor soil conditions affecting the cost of roadways, parking lots and building structures. Patented, polymeric Tensar® Geogrids are the primary component of the company’s systems, offering reliable strength and durability. Contracted services include site evaluation, conceptual engineering, design, value engineering and installation advice. For more information, visit www.tensarcorp.com.


Mr. Tim Oliver
Vice President for Global Marketing
Tensar International Corporation
+1 770 344 2140
Fax: +1 770 344 2089
E-Mail: toliver@tensarcorp.com