Terrafix Winter Seminar Series Terrafix Winter Seminar Seriesterrafix® has made substantial updates to the engineering information in its annual Winter Seminar Series, making this year’s offerings more important even for those who have attended previously. Much is changing in the field, and the company has responded with welcomed state-of-practice updates for participants.
The company has long sponsored educational seminars, including special sessions with expert speakers from the engineering field and academia, joining their own international in-house experts.
All seminars are free to attend and include continental breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch; but, advanced registration is required. Email info@terrafixgeo.com.


  • Vaughan
    • December 1
  • Kitchener
    • December 3
  • Markham
    • January 12
  • Mississauga
    • January 13
  • Terrafix Main Office
    • January 26
  • Ottawa
    • January 27
  • London
    • March 1
  • Collingwood
    • March 2
  • Thunder Bay
    • March 8
  • Richmond Hill
    • March 10


Geosynthetic materials and affiliated applications to be addressed, and supported by case studies, include:

  • Geomembranes
  • Geosynthetic Clay Liners
  • Subgrade Improvement
  • Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Structures
  • Stormwater Management
  • Erosion Control Product

Learn more about terrafix® materials, engineering services, case studies, and more.
See also: