SKZ, GBR-C 2k1010 August 2010 – The 3rd International Symposium on Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GBR-C 2k10) is almost here! Germany-based SKZ, with scientific committee support from France-based Cemagref and the United States-based Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), will host the event in Würzburg, Germany 15-16 September 2010. These sessions, which will explore a vast amount of GCL applications, research, and performance, will be held at the historic Fortress Marienberg.

Dr. Jorge Zornberg, president of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), will open the conference.

Also, three keynote lectures have been announced:

  • R.K. Rowe (Canada) on “Role of GCLs in controlling leakage through composite liners”
  • C.H. Benson (USA) on “Hydraulic conductivity of exhumed geosynthetic clay liners from composite barriers”
  • P.J. Fox (USA) on “Internal and interface shear strengths of geosynthetic clay liners”

Technical sessions will address shear and mechanical behaviour of GCLs, chemical resistance of GCLs, testing of GCLs under unsaturated conditions, behaviour of GCLs in landfill covers (case studies), regulations, new concepts and developments in the use of GCLs, and GCLs for hydraulic and construction applications.

The full program for the event is available. Download a copy in PDF here:

The sessions and chairs are as follows:

Session 1

  • Bottom lining systems and composite liners — Chair: Professor Patrick Fox, University of California, USA

Session 2

  • Unsaturated bentonite – Chair: Professor Ennio Marques Palmeira, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Session 3

  • In-situ behaviour of GCLS in cover lining systems – Chair: Professor Kerry Rowe, Queens’ University, Canada

Session 4

  • Chemical compatibility – Chair: Professor Craig Benson, University of Wisconsin, USA

Session 5

  • Shear and mechanical behaviour of GCLs – Chair: Jorge Zornberg, University of Texas, USA

Session 6

  • Hydraulic applications – Chairman: Dr. Daniele Cazzuffi, CESI, Italy

Session 7

  • Regulations and further developments – Chairman: Professor Fokke Saathoff, Universitaet Rostock, Germany

Visit the conference’s website for the latest: