The Association of Carnot institutes, in collaboration with similar entities, wants to boost partnership research on the European and international levels. Cemagref, one of the Carnot institutes, is contributing, for example with its project in the field of geosynthetics.

CemagrefAt Cemagref in Antony, research on qualifying the performance of geosynthetics used for landfills is carried out with many partners, both public and private, French and international, including Ademe, BRGM, VEOLIA Propreté, SUEZ Environnement, INSA in Lyon, University of Poitiers, LCPC/LRPC, LTHE, LNEC (Portugal), Queen’s University in Canada, Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil).

Nathalie Touze-Foltz, a researcher at Cemagref, has plans to set up a partnership with the Fraunhofer institutes (the equivalent of the Carnot institutes) in Germany or with universities.

The goal of a project with Germany would be to encourage the development of partnership research on the most suitable level.

This type of partnership would serve to exchange knowledge and technology. In this precise case, Cemagref is a leader in research on leachate transfers through the barriers installed under landfills. In Germany, cutting-edge research is being done on the durability of geosynthetics used to cover landfills. The partnership would contribute to exchanging the methods and knowledge acquired on these topics. It would also pave the way for cooperation on other subjects such as the means to protect geomembranes against damage.

This research, based on a multi-disciplinary approach taking into account the needs of companies, corresponds to the goals mentioned during the signature of the framework agreement for bilateral cooperation between the Association of Carnot institutes and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in February 2008.


Nathalie Touze-Foltz
Tel. +33 (0) 1 40 96 60 39

SOURCE: Cemagref Newsletter 22