Huesker Geosynthetics18 June 2012 – Nowadays social media activities have become an integral part in the lives of many people. Social networks are growing at a fast pace and for many people social media applications are the preferred tool for obtaining information.

Meanwhile, activities in the social media environment have developed to an extent that they are not only being used by private individuals. Companies are also increasingly informing their stakeholders about new products or posting company news by using blogging services, social networks or video platforms. Social networks serve as a platform for discussions on industry-specific issues and customers can obtain information on new developments via the contents of video platforms.

This has inspired HUESKER to commit itself towards getting strategically involved in the social media environment. Awareness of the topic has been raised among the staff of the HUESKER Group by holding talks and presentations and defining a social media policy. As a result, company profiles of the HUESKER Group have been compiled in selected social media platforms.

Mr Andreas Elsing, Product and Marketing Manager at HUESKER, explains: "The first step is to aim towards establishing a reactive, professional presence in different media. Initially, we do not intend to actively create contents for the social media environment or start any exclusive campaigns. However, what we do want is to use selected social networks to keep our followers up to date on the HUESKER Group. To begin with, we will post the latest news about the company and also publish information about topics such as participation at trade fairs."

The HUESKER Group can be found in the social networks XING, LinkedIn and Facebook. In addition, current and new videos are also published on the YouTube Channel HUESKERMarketing.

“With our social media presence we want to create an added value for our customers, partners and staff who are involved in the field of social media. At the same time, we wish to emphasise that our involvement will by no means restrict our activities in the conventional media or affect the continuation of communication with our customers,” states Stephan Dietz, responsible for social media communication at HUESKER.

The HUESKER Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of geosynthetics, agricultural and industrial textiles. With its products and services the HUESKER Group offers solutions in the field of earthworks and foundations, road building and traffic route engineering, environmental technology, hydraulic engineering as well as for applications in industry and in the agriculture-based economy.

Further information can be found on (, XING (, LinkedIn ( or under