CQA Week, Abigail Beck CQA WeekCQA Week delivers courses on performing liner integrity surveys (electrical leak location), CQC/CQA of geosynthetic installation, and CQC/CQA of geosynthetic clay liner and compacted clay liner installation. The week also offers multiple certification opportunities, such as the Level 2 ELIS exam for liner surveys and two CQA certifications from the Geosynthetic Certification Institute.
The short courses will take place 2 – 6 November 2015 in Austin, Texas at the headquarters of TRI Environmental.
For engineering companies of all sorts, and particularly for firms interacting with the waste management or mining sectors, CQA Week offers an exceptional opportunity to add depth and new revenue channels to your work.
Instructors for CQA Week include:

  • Abigail Beck, M.S., P.E. – Senior Engineer for TRI/Environmental
  • Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, P.E. – Director of TRI Geotechnical Laboratory
  • Dr. Robert Gilbert, P.E – The University of Texas at Austin
  • Sam Allen – Vice President and Division Manager, TRI
  • Mark Sieracke, P.E. – Landfill Design and CQA Consultant
  • Jeffrey Blum – Senior Project Manager for Weaver Consultants Group

The course and certification schedule:

  • November 2 – 3: Liner Integrity Survey/Assessment (LISA) Training
  • November 3: Level 2 ELIS Exam
  • November 4: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations
  • November 5: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Clay Liners and Compacted Clay Liner Installation
  • November 6: GCI-ICP Certification Exams

LISA training and CQA of geosynthetics complement and expand opportunities for engineering consulting
and design practice. CQA Week participants will be provided a certificate of course completion, suitable
for use in proposals and statements of qualifications for CQC/CQA work. These unique programs provide
professional growth and multiple business development opportunities.
Learn more about the training courses in the brochure (PDF).