TRI Corrugated Plastic Pipe Short CourseMario Paredes, P.E., spent nearly 20 years working for Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). His career there included a 6-year post as Florida’s State Corrosion Engineer, which included a broad level of responsibility for oversight of material durability, such as in plastic pipe applications. He’s now joined TRI Environmental as a Senior Engineer, and on April 22 and 23 he’ll join polymeric materials veteran Rick Thomas in Austin, Texas for a 1.5-day course on “Corrugated Plastic Pipe: Applications, Materials, Specifications, and Assessments.”
While the focus is on dual-wall polyethylene corrugated pipe, other materials and pipes will be included when possible. The course will cover raw material properties and pipe properties that impact a pipe’s performance and long-term durability. The course takes an in-depth look at HDPE pipe specification requirements and tests and the Florida DOT 100-year service life requirement. Also, the course explores DOT concerns, from a user perspective, regarding longevity of plastic pipe and how these concerns affect policy and use of plastic pipe. Installation practice and challenges encountered in the field are discussed in the context of how these issues potentially affect perception and use of the materials.
State and national specifications will be discussed (e.g., ASTM, AASHTO, state DOTs).
Other aspects of the education include relevant tests (density, melt index, tensile strength, flexural modulus, and carbon content), manufacturing and fabrication processes, service lives, polyethylene blending for off-spec, wide-spec, and recycled resins, etc.
A full schedule is published in the event brochure. Online registration is available.
* Register by Friday, April 11, for the best rates.

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