CEN/TC 189, responsible for European standards in the field of geosynthetics, held its 25th meeting in Lisbon from 24 to 26 October 2001.

After the approval of a set of ten European Standards on geotextiles, end 2000, now an important step has been taken towards the finalization of a new set of five standards on geosynthetic barriers. The term ‘geosynthetic barriers’ is being used instead of ‘geomembranes’, because the latter term does not have exactly the same meaning in the different Europan languages.
The barrier standards will cover applications such as reservoirs and dams, canals, tunnels, liquid waste containment and solid waste storage. The resolution voted by the technical committee does not automatically mean the final approval of the standards, but only that the draft texts may now proceeed to the formal vote stage. A critical point remains the lack of reliable test methods for some parameters. Provisionally the not publically available test methods will be added as annexes to the final drafts.

The standards on geotextile requirements will form the basis of the CE-marking, the passport to the single European market. Surveillance of conformity with the European regulations and standards is entrusted to a number of notified bodies. CE-marking is possible since October 2001 (in parallel with national markings) and will become compulsory in October 2002. From the first experience with the new standards it is becoming clear that there are some "childhood diseases" and that a good interaction and feedback between notified bodies and standardization groups will be necessary to maintain flexibility.