TRI Environmental Senior Engineer Abigail Gilson is one of the world’s foremost practitioners in electrical leak location (ELL) technologies. As part of the on-going ELL webinar series supported by Solmax, TRI, and HGI Geophysics, Gilson presented on the state-of-practice with ELL surveys and soil-covered geomembranes.

The episode on soil-covered surveys–the third ELL webinar in the series–is now available free to view on Solmax’s YouTube channel. Readers can also click on the video atop this story to view.


Highlights of the session include the differences between ASTM D7007 and ASTM D8265; the difference in electrical signal between artificial leaks and actual leaks (e.g., with reference to the “Blind Leak” ASTM guide); and case studies to illustrate teaching points. The episode finishes with guidance on soil-covered survey project specifications.

Dipole Survey

Learn about:

  • The Dipole method, using both ASTM D7007 and ASTM D8265
  • Report output for both standard practices
  • ASTM D7909: the “Blind Leak” guide
  • How artificial and actual leaks are used to demonstrate method functionality
  • Soil-covered geomembrane specifications

Other videos in the series focus on Covered Gemembrane Surveys (Episode 2) and An Introduction to Electrical Leak Location (Episode 1).