So Big F Worm in the wild, in the geosynthetics community. Many of our friends and colleagues have reported receiving email with the "So Big F" virus attached. Key things to know about this virus are:

It is a mass mailing worm, infected computers will email the virus to everyone in the infected computer’s address book.

The "from" address is usually spoofed – The infected computer fills in the "from" field with another name from its own address book. So if you and I are both in John Smith’s address book and John Smith gets infected then his computer will send me an email with your address in the "from" field.
Do not open the attachment!

The subject line usually contains one of the following:
Re: Thank you!
Thank you!
Re: Details
Re: Re: My details
Re: Approved
Re: Your application
Re: Wicked screensaver
Re: That movie
Your movie

Most Anti-Virus programs have patches to detect this worm. If you have not updated your virus definitions today, do so. This worm was detected Aug 19 at just after 12 pm GMT.

To read more about this virus visit: If you need help with virus eradication call Elizabeth at +1-561-655-2060.