21 January 2011 – WestMoonint will raise its synthetic rubber CSM series price, because of the imbalance between hypalon rubber demand and supply and shortage of hypalon rubber replacement.

Therefore, effective 1 January 2011, WestMoonint has raised CSM 40 and CSM 45 price at least US$152/mt and Euro 114/mt, across all overseas markets and end users.

Despite our factory-hand works overtime every day, yet our CSM rubber 40 and CSM 45 products would not meet the huge demand. And according to the market situation, we will open the second production line as soon as possible.

Additionally, worldwide CSM rubber replacement products, such as chlorinated polyethylene rubber, are still lagging behind market requirement.

It is predicted that CSM rubber series, which include CSM 20 and CSM 30, will raise its prices dramatically during next half year worldwide, for the huge imbalance between CSM rubber demand and supply could not be addressed in short time.

And WestMoonint predicts that CSM rubber price will increase at least US$350/mt and Euro 260/mt worldwide in coming next two month.

For more information about WestMoonint synthetic rubber products and solutions, please log onto our official site: