Work Item Summary:
(Copyright 2003 ASTM International. All rights reserved.) Work Item Type: New.
Developed by Subcommittee: D35.03, see Related Work by this Subcommittee.
Date Initiated: 01-29-2004.
Scope –
This is a material specification covering inorganic paving mats typically used for, but not limited to, use in joint and localized (spot) pavement repairs; and paving mats intended for curb-to-curb coverage to provide waterproofing of the pavement structure and retard reflective cracking in bituminous overlays. They may be woven or non-woven in construction. This is a material purchasing specification and design review of use is recommended. This standard will be used as a purchase specification for inoganic paving mats. There are currently no ASTM or AASHTO specifications covering inorganic paving mats for highway use.
Paving mat; inorganic paving mat; pavement waterproofing; reflective cracking; pavement interlayer; pavement joint repair.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee. Please contact David Jones for more information: E-Mail: Address:
Owens Corning,
5616 Piney Lane Dr., Tampa, FL., 33625, USA.
Phone: (813) 908-1633, Fax: (813) 908-3524 .