22 April 2010 – The 4th World Bioenergy conference will be held 25-27 May 2010 in Jönköping, Sweden. Here’s the latest from the event:

Conference programme with speakers from 28 countries

World Bioenergy has truly developed into a global forum for bioenergy. The programme is now published, and it includes 81 speakers from 28 countries, representing all continents.

Learn about small-scale biodiesel in Rwanda, tropical sugar beet for ethanol in Colombia, stump harvest in Finland, the world’s largest pellets factory in Russia, or about torrefaction research in the Netherlands. Just to mention a few examples. The attached show guide also includes more specific information about the pre and post conference transfer tours, as well as about the daily study visits.

Download the full brochure:

New torrefaction technology can help replace coal in power plants

At World Bioenergy the Swedish company Torkapparater AB will present their drying and torrefaction technology that transforms fresh biomass into a coal like substitute. The torrefaction process can also be used in other areas. Torkapparater has developed an efficient process with low energy consumption. The process will be presented for the first time to a broader public at World Bioenergy. In simplified terms, the solution is this: During the process gases are generated that contain tar and other combustible substances. These are then used as fuel for the process, and so only a limited amount of additional energy is required.

Read more about torrefaction:

Matchmaking registration deadline extended to 12 May

Over 70 people from 12 countries have already registered to participate. Ensure you secure one-to-one meetings with potential international business contacts, partners with new technologies and know-how or in-licensing needs, R&D projects, financial partners. No charge for exhibitors and conference delegates.

Read more about the matchmaking:

Visit the conference website: http://www.elmia.se/worldbioenergy/